- Naeem Ramzan, University of the West of Scotland, UK
- Glenn Van Wallendael, Ghent University, Belgium
Recently, the media landscape underwent a revolution around several technological innovations. Although these new innovations are not massively adopted on the market yet, they show a promising perspective on the future of media consumption. These emerging media technologies lead to a plethora of new questions about perception, human behaviour, and finally QoE. How do people perceive the experience of being immersed into a scene created by these emerging technologies? Not only are they immersed, they are actually invited to actively participate when interacting with omnidirectional video or light field content. This active participation leads to numerous questions about human behaviour. This special session will provide new insights, tools, and technologies specific for emerging technologies like omnidirectional (360° video), light field, and High Dynamic Range (HDR) video systems. The aim of this special session is to call for the most advanced research and state-of-the-art works in the field of Image science and technology, visual perception and user behaviour. It is expected to provide a platform for international researchers to exchange ideas and to present their latest research in the relevant topics. All the original papers related to Image science and technology, visual perception and user behaviour are welcome.
Topics of Interest
- Quality of Experience (QoE) of emerging media, including omnidirectional video (360° video), light field imaging, and High Dynamic Range (HDR) video.
- Content characterization of emerging media
- User behaviour and viewing behaviour when interacting emerging media technologies.
- Perceptual analysis and models for emerging media technologies.
- Objective metrics for emerging media innovations.
Wednesday, May 31, 2017, 13:00 – 15:00 (see daily program)
- Emin Zerman, Vedad Hulusic, Giuseppe Valenzise, Rafal Mantiuk and Frederic Dufaux. Effect of Color Space on High Dynamic Range Video Compression Performance
- Katy Noland, Manish Pindoria and Andrew Cotton. Modelling Brightness Perception for High Dynamic Range Television
Ana De Abreu, Cagri Ozcinar and Aljosa Smolic. Look Around You: Saliency Maps for Omnidirectional Images in VR Applications - Pradip Paudyal, Jesús Gutiérrez, Patrick Le Callet, Marco Carli and Federica Battisti. Characterization and selection of light field content for perceptual assessment
- Irene Viola, Martin Rerabek and Touradj Ebrahimi. Impact of interactivity on the assessment of quality of experience for light field content
- Péter András Kara, Aron Cserkaszky, Subbareddy Darukumalli, Attila Barsi and Maria G. Martini. On the Edge of the Seat: Reduced Angular Resolution of a Light Field Cinema with Fixed Observer Positions