In order to assist young researchers and students to join the summit, our organizing committee has gathered some information regarding the travel funding possibilities for different countries. Note that the travel funding opportunities listed below is totally based on the origin of the organizing committee members and doesn’t limit the participation of researchers from other countries.

Sr. No Country


Grant Name Eligibility Web link
1 Germany


Conference Funding
Mostly for german researchers and
student but foreign students can apply. In the eligibility criteria, it’s
written that those researchers/students should not be employed or shouldn’t
be getting any funding. The application can be made individually by applicant
4 months before conference date and it requires conference
acceptance/invitation letter with the application form.
2 China China
Scholarship Council (CSC)
Apply through
the scholarship office of your university

*Note that: This,is the major funding agency in China, but not sure if they have specific budget set aside for student,travel.

3 Austria List of
grants for various fields, not specific for traveling
4 Austria Universität
Wien – Unterstützung von Konferenzteilnahmen und Förderung zur internationalen
350€ for
any doctoral student invited to the conference. Application process is necessary, requiring invitation to conference and acceptance of PhD thesis. Deadline May 15th.
5 Austria OEFG
International Communication
conference traveling, requires acceptance notification and letter of
reference from supervisor, deadline Apr. 8
6 Pakistan Pakistan Science
Funding for
scientific conferences
Scientist, researchers and PhD scholars can apply. Apply at least 2
months before the conference Procedure can be found on the link
7 Pakistan HEC
MS leading
PhD students, PhD Students enrolled in Pakistani University or studying
abroad under HEC or Government of Pakistan’s scholarship program, Faculty
members of the Pakistani Universities can apply. Apply at least two months
before the conference. Procedure can be found on the link
8 France Students
are required to apply through their respective institutions
Not Available
9 Iran Students
are required to apply through their respective institutions.
Not Available
10 India Department
of Science and Tech (DST)
Student can
apply directly, If they have at least two international journal publications.
(It may be applicable for PHD students)
11 India DBT-CTEP European
conferences will be supported approx 700 € (MS and PHD students Can apply)
12 Tanzania PhD
students and Academic Faculty members of Tanzanian Universities can apply for
funding through their respective institutions or sponsoring agencies.
Not available